Evaluating the Umunthu Programme

Umunthu is a pan-African concept of humanity that celebrates interconnectedness and interdependence. In Malawi, Umunthu can be understood to mean: “I am because we are”; “To be in someone else’s shoes”; and “The feeling I have towards others”. Through these lenses, the Umunthu Programme, implemented by the Art and Global Health Centre Africa (ArtGlo), aims to promote health access as a fundamental human right of vulnerable minority populations in Malawi. The project focuses on reducing stigma and building the capacity of civil society and health care institutions to advocate for and implement inclusive policies and programmes.
One South is supporting the three year external evaluation of the Umunthu Programme. The evaluation will run from 2017-2020 and will answer the following questions:
1. Was the project successfully designed and implemented?
2. Has the project influenced desired results?
3. How likely is it that project achievements will be sustained after the project?