Impact Evaluation of GEC Rwanda Education Advancement Programme by Health Poverty Action Rwanda

The project aimed to improve the life chances of 8,693 marginalized girls through targeting barriers affecting girls access to and achievement in school. The project targeted a number of key barriers, including harmful community and parental values towards girls education, lack of investment in girls education, poor sexual and reproductive health knowledge, attitudes and practices amongst girls, and poor school safety.
To address the sexual reproductive health and safety needs of marginalized girls and create girl-friendly learning environments in schools, the project has installed 120 ECOSAN lockable composting toilets and 14 changing rooms with hand washing facilities in schools.
The project has further established 75 Mother-Daughter Clubs (MDCs) to provide a platform for marginalized girls to discuss and address barriers to education with parents and caregivers. In partnership with TAMTF, the project works with clubs and schools to run income generating activities and school businesses to support girls who cannot afford the costs of school. This included the creation of community gardens which provide an income source through the sale of produce.
To address community and parental values towards girls’ education, the project broadcasts an educational radio soap opera which focuses on the importance of girls education and discusses existing barriers.
The project has conducted implementation activities across 28 schools in 7 sectors of Nyaruguru District.
Scope of Work
In order to generate robust evidence on the impact, effectiveness, relevance, and sustainability of the project, the external evaluation aims to answer five programme-level evaluation questions:
To what extent has the project reached and affected marginalized girls?
What impact has REAP had on marginalized girls’ learning?
What impact has REAP had on enabling marginalized girls to be in school?
What has worked, why and with what effects?
How sustainable are any changes the project has led to?
In order to measure measure the project’s impact, defined as the difference in access to school and learning outcomes made in the treatment group over and above the control group over time, the study applied a quasi-experimental difference-in-difference technique.
Literacy was assessed through the Early Grading Reading Assessment oral reading fluency (ORF) subtask, as measured by correct words per minute. Numeracy was measured through Overall Score on the the Rwanda Early Grade Mathematics Assessment.
Alongside quantitative measures, the Endline Study conducted a series of focus group discussions, and in-depth interviews to answer evaluation questions relating to effectiveness, relevance, and sustainability.
The Endline Study Report is currently being reviewed by the GEC Fund Manager.